My name is Bärbel, I am clairvoyant since childhood and divine Light is flowing through me.

For many years I have been working in Munich in my own studio and have made this Light available in individual sessions and meditations.

This Light is pure consciousness and independent of any religion or belief. We are all one.

When it connects with the Light of the individual, it can be deeply healing, start a process of transformation, heighten awareness, clarify seeing and cause a boost of vibration.

In a retreat I will offer meditations and provide this Light for every participant for the entire duration of the retreat.

In addition, I offer a workshop for the whole group: "learn to read yourself”. In this workshop, the participants learn a valuable tool that they can use at home and in everyday life.

Light meditations, conscious movement, times of silence, walking meditations, workshops and time for reflection, all accompanied by the Light that comes through me. This can give your life a whole new direction. It can show you new perspectives and often helps to dissolve heavy ballast.

The meditations take place in absolute silence. Questions about the divine Awareness can be given to me in written form. I can answer individual questions only in individual sessions.

In the course of the retreat, we will go ever deeper with lightness and we will experience our own luminous consciousness.
